To advertise a position here please contact our Sales Director Ashley Klein, who is based here in Sausalito:
Voice: 415-944-2777
Skype: “”
We actively promote diversity and respect in the workplace, and support equal opportunity employment. We reserve the right to reject any ad, based solely on our judgment, if we believe it conflicts with those values or applicable Federal, State or Local laws.
Sausalito City Government Jobs
We have no current listings for Sausalito City jobs.
Technology and Internet Jobs in Sausalito
INTERN: NEW MEDIA AND ONLINE PUBLISHING. Are you a high school or college student preparing for a career in the next generation of New Media? Do you have strong language skills and an eye for detail? is shredding the assumptions of the Frommer’s and the Fodor’s of the world, and making Sausalito the Test Case for a vibrant, living guidebook that constantly changes and updates its information to meet readers’ needs.
We’re looking for an intern to support our rapid growth. Can mix online work from home with time at our Sausalito office. Hours negotiable. We view this as a position where we have an obligation to teach and train the intern, and our Editorial Director has over 20 years of online experience as well as major awards. We’re a pre-funding start-up so this is an unpaid internship and you must qualify for academic credit. We will jump through all the required hoops for your school to give you credit for your work. Knowledge of and passion for our local area is a major plus. Please submit resume and cover letter via email. We are an equal opportunity employer and seek a diverse team. Frommer’s and Fodor’s are trademarks of their respective companies.
Sales Jobs in Sausalito
No listings at this time.